comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


Lake Rinkeby ?

It might have been..... A subterranean artifical lake it looks like.
Lots of water everywhere, and look - a member of the SbP-team,
I presume, in the midst of creating
yet another masterpiece for the blog...
others on .
Vatten så långt ögat kan se. En konstgjord liten sjö på Rinkeby tunnelbanestation.
Det blir fina speglingar. Dessutom har jag visst lyckats med att fånga
en av de andra SbP-medlemmarna i full färd med sitt skapande.

1 comment:

stromsjo said...

Interesting view. Looks serene and peaceful. Rinkeby isn't exactly known as the most fashionable suburb and this particular subway station would not be my pick for a quiet night on the town.

The reason for all this flooding is the daily (?) morning shift where the two guys in yellow remove last nights spray paint from walls and escalators.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!