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grassroots politics

A photo from a citizens' meeting in Katarina school where local politicians and the local police discussed street violence. It is called citizens' meetings and I think we were only a handful 'ordinary citizens' - the rest were officials.

Katarina skola (map) 15 March 2007


Lena Möre said...

Something very good of you to go to such a meeting! There is too much violence in our city, it is dangerous to stay out there in the evenings and in the darkness, what yoy think never happens to you do happen one day...
My son Mikael was alone on his way home from Sollentuna first of Januar in the night. Some boys asked him for a cigarette and he had no one, he is not a smoker. Then they started hitting him 40 times against his head. He is a very tall young man, perhaps it was difficult to hit his head hard up there for the boys, when some girls asked the boys to stop they stoped.
One girl knew who the boys are and the police will do their work.
My Mikael knew they could kill him and this was not a nice story to hear for me, his mother.
He is all right now...(He sais)

Anonymous said...

You have street violence? Wow! Well, it's good people are meeting to do something about it.


stromsjo said...

Sorry to hear that, Lena. Wish him all the best.

Ming the Merciless said...

Is street violence really a huge problem in Stockholm? I mean, it can't be worst than the bad parts of NYC.

Lena - hope you son is doing well.

Bernt Seipl said...

Sorry to hear about Mikael, Lena. This is only one more of those unprovoced cases that don't hit the papers. The Riccardo Campogiani case is still fresh in mind as one of the cases that did cause a commotion. I wonder if youngsters are ever going to understand what really happens when you hit someone. It's not the movies out there. Someone is really getting hurt, and bad. I once saw a documentary about what really happens if you try to copy the blows that you see on TV and movie. Frightful, to say the least. It doesn't take much. Wake up guys! Get at grip.

Kiwi said...

I guess the answer to "do we have street violence" and "is it a huge problem" depends on who you are asking. Unfortunately there are so many hidden agendas. If you ask the media they probably say it's unsafe to go out in the streets because fear sell papers etc. If you ask the Conservatives they will call for more police while the lefties probably won't. If you look into statistics or ask the police I wouldn't be surprised if the violence is more or less constant but the will to report crime has increased. Then again, if you ask Lena if we have a problem with violence the answer is obvious. We do have a problem. Still, I believe Stockholm is safe compared to many other capitals while there are places you should avoid. I also think some groups are more exposed to violence than others. We have a maffia scene and gang related crimes, but the ordinary citizen that possesses a bit of common sense shouldn't have to be afraid in Stockholm.

Lena Möre said...

I think Stockholm is a most safe city and I am not afraid, I go out late and by myself.
But you have to be careful and I think my son has not listened to this kind of warnings, nothing could happen to him. You just read about it...
He is OK now but perhaps he will look around himself next time.Use his long legs for running perhaps.
His experience was not nice...

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Peter, for the explanation. Sounds like this happens in any part of the world. Lena, I'm glad your son is okay.


Meg said...

Very interesting. I' very interested in politics but I never go to these meetings here; it's very irresponsible, isn't it. I'll go to the next one I find.

Very good topic for a DP, and a nice pic, too.

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