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mid-month theme: subway day

It's always the same story - old v/s new. This used to be a familiar sight for commuters in the Stockholm subway. One of the older cars, nowadays only serving at rush hour when we need everything which is still capable of rolling through those tunnels.
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This month we'd like to to show you the interior of subway cars.
subway day is a mid-month theme shared by the following blogs:
New York City Daily Photo - Peter's Paris - stockholm by pixels

others on
andra om stockholm tunnelbana
T-Akalla (map) 8 Apr 2008


PeterParis said...

Rather similar view, compared to what I show from Paris. However, you show a relatively (but clean and nice looking) car, whereas my pic is of a quite new one. Also, you must be a very tall man?

stromsjo said...

The camera occasionally lies, this time when being held overhead... :)

Yes, it's pretty clean but there's always some spray paint on the walls and these old cars are very noisy.

Also, you can open the windows slightly which is an advantage in the summer. Stockholm couldn't afford proper AC when renewing the fleet.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Thta is avery clean car, and empty. Nice shot, like the light.

Ming the Merciless said...

Like Peter, the car in my photo is one of the newer ones too.

Our trains have AC but that doesn't mean they're always working. In the summer, it is REALLY HOT underground.

stromsjo said...

I've tried the Madrid subway (with AC) in June but - like you say, Ming - riding there was no picnic at all. AC only helps so much.

Thanks, Babooshka!

It's real fun that we managed to have our photos so synchronized this time. Hats off, Ming(tm) and Peter in Paris!

Olivier said...

une belle photo de ce métro vide, même si cela m'angoisse un métro vide.

A beautiful picture of the underground void, even if it m'angoisse a subway empty.

Stefan Jansson said...

Whenever I see a subway photo it takes me back to all the rides on the Athens Metro. It was always 30C or more,very cumfy!

Anonymous said...

I like the way it looks.


stromsjo said...

Underground void - I like the term, Olivier. Everyone, don't forget to check out the void in NYC and Paris. Just follow the links.

Steffe: don't mention the heat. I have memories of my own from Madrid. Phew!

Thanks, Paz.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!