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water week: to the manner born

When you're on a dinner date with a lady friend (be it here in Norrviken or elsewhere), there are a few ground rules to observe. You might want to look your best and give a favorable impression. Then again, you might not care a whole lot. Regardless, don't turn your behind at her while eating.

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andra om stockholm sollentuna vatten
Norrviken, Sollentuna (map) 1 Apr 2008


Anonymous said...

This one is dunking for dinner. Nice shot.

 gmirage said...

Wahahahah, show us the butt! last winter a friend took a swan photo at the same angle...its really funny when they do that!

Pia K said...

Another hot tip as to not make an ass of yourself, is to not show your bottom this flagrantly...:)

Lovely shot!

Fredrik said...

Very funny! Reminds me of the ostrich behavior!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love this!


Helena/Bildbloggerian och Fototriss said...

Jag tycker du är lite indiskret som flashar ändan på anden så där... Den stackarn kunde ju inte veta att fotografer lurade i vassen och smygfotograferade :)

Kiwi said...

Funny photo and text, Per. Though I have to agree with Helena, a bit indiscreet of you.

Tanya Breese said...

Ha ha, that's cute!

Halcyon said...

Hee! I would certainly be offended if my dinner companion put his rump up to me!

 gmirage said...

I came back and show the kids this photo and they were laughing hard!!!

Lena Möre said...

Kors i alla sina dar. Det var roligt!Påpassligt, Per!

stromsjo said...

I'm not supposed to be able to catch this kind of shot with a 3x compact but this couple really didn't seem to bother my presence, Abraham Lincoln.

Mirage2g: Glad you and the kids liked this as well!

Pia: That's a valid point!

Fredrik: I didn't think of that but you're right of course. A bird is a bird and this is a major breakthrough! Ostriches may in fact be scavenging for food! ;)

Paz: Thanks!

Helena: Jorå, han hade full koll! Men annars har du ju rätt, integritet är viktigt i dessa dagar.

Peter, thanks.

Tanya: Don't tell anyone but the moment after I shot this they *both* went bottoms-up (and that was cute!) but that photo got a bit blurry so I chose this all the same.

Halcyon: Who can blame you!? ;)

Lena, tack!

As a matter of fact I took another walk this afternoon by Norrviken and Mr Duck sends his best to all readers. He also underscores that as far as he's concerned us humans aren't much to look while he of course represents true beauty from just about any angle so we should be happy for any opportunity to see him at this busy time of year. Mrs Duck chose not to comment on the issue.

Thanks all for stopping by.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!