comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


train in disguise

Uppsala - situated 69 km north-north-west of Stockholm - is Sweden's 4th largest city. Here's one of many train connections to Uppsala. To the casual observer, this may not look like a train at all. For some reason, night train connections frequently assume the shape of replacement buses.

Klarabergsviadukten (map) 30 May 2010


cieldequimper said...

As long as it gets you to where you want to go...

stromsjo said...

True, but a simulated train remains a simulated train. Just imagine Agatha Christie writing about Murder on the Replacement Bus ...

Thanks, ciel.

Lena Möre said...

Nattbussen här kallar vi fyllebussen men har denna något liknande namn?

arabesque said...

the bus awaits, just as the long queue of waiting for it to arrive. ^0^

ps: murder on the replacement bus?! ^0^ lol.

VP said...

It happens here either, but usually in case of strikes or damages to the line.

Carrie Flicka said...

Much nicer than our public transit!

Lowell said...

It's a beautiful shot! So, was this taken with your point 'n shoot? And what's got you so moody?

Tinsie said...

Hahahahaha! Love the title and commentary :-)

I must say, your replacement buses are way better and shinier than ours. Never take a replacement bus in the UK if you can help it.

stromsjo said...

Some commuters will prefer this version. Some hard core rail travelers like myself won't... That's life.

Lena Johansson: Det borde faktiskt man fråga någon "frequent flyer" eller vad det nu heter i buss-svängen.

arabesque: Who would buy that pocket book? :)

VP: I imagine the rail line is subject to maintenance in the wee hours and that'd be the reason.

Carrie Flicka: And much nicer than some of ours too...

Jacob: No, the P&S hasn't been involved in blog photography for well over a year now. But I miss it. Maybe that's why I'm moody!

Tinsie: So what would be the alternative? Taxi?

Thanks all for commenting. Always a pleasure.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!