comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


guarding the King

Drafted kids guard the King and castle. And the girls just love it.


Nordiska Kompaniet

The Great Department Store at Hamngatan.
Established in 1902, NK is a commercial institution. A hundred separate departments provide all the trend and fashion you could yearn for. The store's darkest moment came when
Sweden’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Anna Lindh
was stabbed to death here in 2002.
Sta'ns kanske mest uppmärksammade skyltfönster finns här


the church

Dating from the 13th Century, Täby Church in Täby Kyrkby is best known for its beautiful 15th Century ceiling paintings by the Nordic countries’ foremost monumental painter at that time, Albert Målare (Albertus Pictor). More about them later...
Täby kyrka byggdes på 1200-talet och är berömd för de vackra valvmålningarna. Återkommer till dem.


impressing façade

This is the former "School of naval warfare" at Skeppsholmen. It was finished in 1878. The names on the building are the ones of early Swedish sea heroes (as far as I can determine). The school has moved (1943) and since 1997 it's the home of a European research center (Nordregio). Wanna look a little closer ?
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Sjökrigsskolan på Skeppsholmen


inner movements moving

photo: Patrik Elgh
"Mime is the representation of inner movements
by visible outer motions" (Rudolf Laban)
The National Academy of Mime and Acting (Teaterhögskolan i Stockholm) is moving to Gärdet with its three-year programmes:
the Mime Acting Programme and the Acting Programme
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I inträdesproven till mimprogrammet ingår bl a dans, rörelseimprovisation och rytmikövningar. De genomförs både som gruppövningar, samarbetsövningar och enskilda uppgifter (från Teaterhögskolans webb)


we're moving out

It is spring time also in this Nordic country and what better way to spend an afternoon than relaxing in the sofa with some friends. These particular friends are found in the Old Town. As is the sofa.


nocturne for a county council

Stockholm County Council’s main responsibilities are ensuring that we have access to healthcare and public transport as well as preventing health problems. Sweden is subdivided into 290 local municipalities, 18 county councils and two regions. The County Council (“landsting”) level of government is subject to criticism for adding bureaucracy.
Stockholms läns landsting är en av landets största arbetsgivare.
Landstingshuset vid Hantverkargatan går inte heller av för hackor.


last night we had a party...

A dream cottage not far from the city, near Täby Golf Club, in a stunning village location and with beautiful views through all walls, with the added benefit of being able to provide wild life just around the corner. It would make a superb large family home for a small family. At present being abandoned after a party last night...
Allt är kanske inte vad det ser ut att vara, speciellt inte dagen efter. Nåja, om vi nu hade haft ett party så hade det säkert varit ett j-a röj!


the light from above

These are some of the lights from Edvard Anderson's greenhouse
at the Bergian Garden. This is where the real stuff is.
Several different "rooms", all with different climate and
one flower more beautiful than the other.
Takarmaturen från det stora Edvard Andersons Växthus, vid Bergianska Trädgården. Här finns mycket för blomintresserade att kika på.
Just nu blommar kanarieklocka för övrigt.



Part of the hoopla surrounding the qualification for
this year’s Eurovision Song Contest: “win a car!”.
Or, in this case, "behold a car someone else has already won!"
Vi har skådat förr, vill jag mena


the literate tourist

On Skeppsholmen you'll find military history
and a number of good museums in beautiful surroundings.
Read your way around the islet.


winter in retreat

photo: Patrik Elgh
A touch of global warming by Djurgårdsbron
(The Djurgården Bridge) makes us all feel swell
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Snart kan man paddla loss på allvar igen!


24 hours

In Sweden we take 24 hour cruises to enjoy ourselves with booze, beer and maybe some dancing. This floating discotheque goes to tax-free heaven Åland and back. Next day we leave the ship with headache, tax-free liqour and arms like an orangutan.
Birka Paradise förbereds för ännu en 24-timmars kryssning



Located adjacent to the E4 motorway in Upplands Väsby,
InfraCity is halfway between the city and Arlanda airport.
This shining sphere illuminates a roundabout.
Färgerna böljar suggestivt i klotet. Stillbilder har sina begränsningar.


hey, where's the party...

Roller Coasters, Free Fall and a house full of ghosts. Gröna Lund, the oldest amusement park in Sweden doesn't look very cheerful on a cloudy afternoon in March. It looks just old...
Ett vinterstängt Gröna Lund gör väl ingen glad?
Det ger möjligen lite perspektiv på tillvaron...



Yes, you can certainly park a lot of cars here. It's deserted
right now, the ferry took them all away to Finland.
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Tomma parkeringsplatser för hela slanten, precis det man aldrig hittar när man behöver det. Färjan har nyligen gått så tommare än så här blir det nog inte.


waiting for transportation

It will be some time yet before the steamboat arrives.
And here's another boat from that same day.


silent pipes

photo: Patrik Elgh
The good citizens of Skanstull will have to
provide their own mime and acting as the
national academy is moving. These pipes are busy practicing.
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Rörande utsikt på söder vid Teaterhögskolan



Our national stage is the Royal Dramatic Theatre
located by Nybroplan since 1908. See more?
Får man inte besök av kungen (han kanske är på kontoret)
kan man åtminstone kalla sig kunglig som tröst. Vi har varit här förr.


the Office

I hope the King has an office that is a bit more modern than the facing of the Royal Palace. On the other hand I'm glad that the facing of the palace isn't modern. The palace is built in baroque style by Nicodemus Tessin and is formed like a Roman palace.
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Det Kungliga Slottet, byggt i barockstil av Nicodemus Tessin d. y . Då slottet har 600 rum är man glad att man inte ansvarar för städningen...


not just almost fair, in fact - exactly fair

You guessed it - this is Stockholms international fair. I'm keeping you in suspense for a while longer before the next chapter
of "almost fair" will emerge, hang tight :-)
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Tillbaka runt Stockholmsmässan igen. Den här gången en stämningsfull kvällsbild.


Hedvig Eleonora

The round Hedvig Eleonora church from 1737.
We've shown glimpses of its exterior as well as interior before.
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Långt ifrån alla kyrkor är vackra. Hedvig Eleonora är vacker.


shine a little light

This is a nice lantern. You can almost imagine a hundred years back when the guy goes around lighting them all with a long stick. Today it's of course electric light. It's in the inner yard of Hallwylska Museet, a museum filled with lots of interesting furniture and nice things. During summer you can also visit in the evenings, from some time in the middle of July, and listen to a little music from Vienna.
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En av innergårdslamporna på Hallwylska museet. På somrarna kan man ibland lyssna till wienermusik här också när Stockholms Operettensemble uppträder. Riktigt trevligt och kan varmt rekommenderas.


here's to 25% helium

With an average effect of approximately 1,370 watts per
square meter the Sun makes our cold surroundings bearable.
On a cold winter day in Ursvik we tend to appreciate this
near-perfect sphere of gas at a distance of one Astronomical Unit.
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Här i Stora Ursvik ska det för övrigt bli
en massa bostäder och en ståtlig rondell


green house effect ?

... or is it in fact greenhouse effect?
This pic clearly shows where the effect comes from :-)
It's taken in the orangery at "Bergian garden"
where they presently show geraniums.
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Växthuseffekt så det räcker till ! I orangeriet på Bergianska finns det
mycket rör och kopplingar för att få ut värme och fukt dit det behövs.
Just nu visar de pelargoner där.


temporary art

Some of the billboards at Zinkensdamm subway station
are used as temporary displays for artistic posters. See more?
This is due to the increasing cost for restoring art after vandalism.
"Konstnären får här möjlighet att arbeta på samma villkor som reklamen...
Bilderna byts ut en gång per år; ny konstnär, nya aktuella bilder." (SL)


courageous guards

It is with utmost care that one passes these two guards. I hope they don't scare away all the guests. The Hotel New World is in Årsta, just a short ride from the Stockholm fair.

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.Ett par grymt vaksamma vaktlejon sitter utanför Hotel New World i Årsta. Det känns bara som en lite konstig utsmyckning. Undrar hur det ser ut inne i hotellet ?


stylish overhead

. Many commuters are passing by every day
without noticing this beautiful ceiling.
The Central Station offers eco-friendly traveling in style.
Another fashionable ceiling here.
Medborgare, se upp!



Actually, this pic is supposed to look like this. It was deliberately taken from the backside. I'm not sure whether the lights are christmas-lights or if they stay up all year around, but I'm sure someone will care to enlighten us all about that. Do I need to tell where this is taken ? I don't think so.
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Nix, jag har inte spegelvänt bilden.
Det blev lite roligare från det här hållet tyckte jag bara. Vem berättar för oss andra
om det är julbelysning eller fast belysning till skylten ?



A community policestation in Rinkeby. See more?
I receptionen vid Askebykroken talas svenska, engelska, turkiska,
portugisiska samt spanska. Förhoppningsvis inte samtidigt.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!