comments on pixels

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safe to cross ?

I'm not really sure whether St.Peter is blessing the pedestrian crossings or the girl or just showing that she might use any of the crossings. But then again this might just be a coincidence. Does anyone need the address on this one? Just look at the signs. Doesn't get any more obvious than this...

Det ser nästan ut som om han slår ut med armarna och säger: "använd vilket övergångsställe du vill, jag bryr mig inte"


Fénix - Bostonscapes said...

Very unique corner. Do you know if those blue signs have been installed recently? Around here some (hideous) yellow signs started popping up all over the place a year or so ago. Thing is, most of them are placed where they aren't at all needed!

Pia K said...

There's an excellent thai restaurant at Kammakargatan, so I know the corner without looking at the signs:) Kind of fascinating and eery, these buildings I think...

Bernt Seipl said...

Those blue signs have looked like that for ages, and I don't think they've been put there recently. Pia K? Have you better information, since you know it so well ;-)

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!