daily photo theme day: Queen of Lake Mälaren

Any person having visited Stockholm even just briefly will remember the water. There is no immediate shortage of photos ;) of this our main attraction and, to celebrate the February theme day, here's yet another one. It was shot by the Parliament (Riksdagen), we can see the Vasa Bridge and, lurking in the background, the well-known tower of our City Hall. At this time of year the city should have a distinct winter look but January 2008 didn't bring us any winter weather.
Here is more moist from different seasons. And here. Enjoy!
others on stockholm mälaren water
Kalla det gärna en kliché. Vem vill inte leva mitt i en så'n?
andra om stockholm mälaren vatten
Riksbron (map) 23 Jan 2008
Thanks for stopping by, be sure to visit our fellow city photobloggers across the globe on this theme day. The February theme is "What your city is known for". 133 blogs had signed up to join by January 31.
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I fully agree with you.
That's Stockholm of my mind!
The lights are stunning!
Port Angeles Daily Photo
The water and the beautiful buildings in the quarters around the old city makes Stockholm in my point of view. A summer pearl!
It's a beautiful scene.
Looks very inviting in the evening.
The rest of our strolling team can testify that it wasn't a very pleasant evening. A bit too cold and windy but certainly a nice scene. Thanks for stopping by.
Vatten, stan är full av vatten...
Lovely pic!
Oh, it is MY city!
No winter weather makes one wonder ... global warming? Water and cityscapes combined make wonderful material with that added reflective dimension. Thanks!!
You have a very beautiful city...great photo!
You are right, this is exactly what I think of when I think of Stockholm. I would love to come for a whole summer and just explore as much of it as I could by boat. In fact, outside of Paris, Stockholm is the city I would head for in a heartbeat when I get the free time and money to travel more. You live in such a spectacular setting. Wonderful post for our theme day,
Seattle Daily Photo
Great photo! Happy Theme Day!
"från Haga till Lidingöbro
kan man paddla, segla, surfa, gå
- eller ro!
(på) Vatten - stan är full av vatten"
...that's right, Steffe!
Chuck Pefley: Since the weather varies a lot from year to year we have to look at averages over decades to answer that one, but yes - I'm afraid you're right. Winters are generally warmer than they were when I was a kid and if this season carries on the way it has started it'll be a mess in many gardens pretty soon. We have been plagued in recent years by new creatures in our fauna which "normally" should die during our winters but now can survive and breed, such as the slug Arion lusitanicus.
Kim, I wish you could come here in a heartbeat. Hope you'll have the opportunity soon. Stockholm has been around almost 800 years so it'll be here for you! :)
Thanks all for your kind comments.
Maybe the water is so clean because people can only swim in it during the "short moments of Nordic summer" (smile) ... Always enjoy your photos of water.
That's a beautiful photo.
Happy Theme Day!
A Pinay In England
The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Oh how beautiful. The photos on your blog make me long to visit Stockholm.
Very very very nice night shot!
What a great photo....
Now that's an interesting theory, Denton! ;)
We did celebrate a "water week" in November and the plan is to have another one in April. Click on the label "water" for a recap.
Thanks, all.
Wow! Makes me want to come visit.
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