waiting for tickets
.Först trodde jag att de spelade Fågelhandlaren (Carl Zeller) på Konserthuset men sedan slog det mig att det kanske var Trollflöjtens Papageno som de väntade på
Concert Hall (map) 27 Dec 2007
one city through our lenses
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Bernt Seipl
(click photo to enlarge) at
Labels: pixels by bernt
Considering that barefoot Concert Hall image in the right column this is beginning to resemble "stockholm by pigeons"! I wonder if anyone of them appears in both photos. What are the odds?
What a sweet picture:)
Jag har nyligen läst att tamduvan härstammar från klippduvan, vilket bilden tydligt visar.
Fina duvor och fina klipphyllor, bra bild! Tack för den!
Oh, I love this photo! I've been feeding the pigeons (and a few spp near my job although I'm not suppose to do so.
Are these pigeons also some suckers ?
Les pigeons von tils se faire "pigeonner" ?
Reminds me of the buzzards waiting on the Games in Rome to end.
Nice. Maybe they are not queuing for tickets, but rehearsing for the concert. They will be a fine choir! :P
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