comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


the university of life (2)

...previously on pixels

In the University of Life every day is an exam. We meet new people, face new challenges and if we want some pages at the end of the book with all the right answers - we have to write them ourselves.

A stunning 100% of the students at the Stockholm University are paying members of the Student Union. This might have something to do with the right to vote in annual elections, the possibility to take part in cultural activities and debates or - just maybe - the fact that membership is mandatory in Swedish law. Unless you paid your fees you can't even attend a written exam here at the campus in Frescati. See more?
Missa inte rektors blogg!
andra om stockholm universitet frescati

Universitetet (map) 27 Jan 2008


Anonymous said...

Interesting post. I enjoyed reading it and looking at the photograph.

stromsjo said...

It's a place of quite a few memories and - having left many years ago and recently returned - I view it differently today. Thanks for stopping by.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!