comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


water week: I'm starting to get dizzy...

- Hey, who froze the water? I'm not done yet. Let me out!

Not a lot of water to swim around in at this time of year. I wouldn't want to be a swan.

Drottningholm (map) 15 November 2007 | others bloggar

water week is a theme shared by the following blogs:
stockholm by pixels - Ystad Daily Photo


Stefan Jansson said...

Looks like winter has arrived to Ekerö. It's a tough life being a swan.

Anonymous said...

God Morgon! It look very chilly there, feel sorry for the Swan! It is a very interesting shot!

Unknown said...

That's fantastic! A single circle of water in the middle of the ice! How cold is it now? Brrrrr... :-)

Lena Möre said...

"Knölsvanen drar sig bara motvilligt undan isläggningen i oktober - november för att övervintra i Sydsverige, Danmark och Nordsjöländerna"
Citat från Fåglarna i Norden av C-F Lundevall/MÅ Bergström s.35

En bild kan säga mer än tusen ord...

(Översätt gärna ni som är såsom engelskspråkiga.)
TACK Bernt!

photoimagine said...

En riktigt fin bild tycker jag.

Fortsatt trevlig helg!

Bernt Seipl said...

Thanks for the comments, I liked the pic but as you can see it's from last year at this time. Right now, it's not that cold.

Daniel Chérouvrier said...

Nice shot !
I'm not sure the swan was so happy.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!