comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

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daily photo theme day: the last passage

Many people hold strong beliefs on what lies beyond this earthly life of ours. Here's a garden of remembrance by Kungsängen Church where cremated remains are being dispersed. Most Swedes (70%) are cremated after their death. This might well change in the future as some cultures and religions disapprove of cremation.

Kungsängens kyrka (map) 21 January 2009 | others bloggar

The February theme is
Paths and Passages


humanobserver said...

well in our religion(Hindu), cremation is a must...

Lena Möre said...

Per!This is the little area where my father is , in Kungsängen. It was the day after the death of Anna Lind he died and now he is there...

Ham said...

Excellent choice and photo, who pays the ferryman?

Jilly said...

This is a lovely photo, Per and so original for today. Well done. A subject we all think about from time to time.

Kiwi said...

Beautiful photo on a cold evening. And a good choice.

Ham: This is Sweden, the ferryman will get his through the taxes. ;o)

Ida said...

I love this shot! Great blog!

stromsjo said...

A five second exposure for one reflection about eternity...

humanobserver: There are also practical implications in a city with a limited amount of space available for graves.

Lena Johansson: I only visited briefly but it seemed like a serene and peaceful place.

Ham: Maybe the modern ferries are unattended... How common is the practice of cremation in the UK?

Jilly: Appreciate those words. While living today we shouldn't forget that our days are limited and try to make the most of them.

Peter Fristedt: Also, the very last photo I took on that particular evening. Made my evening, sort of.

Ida: Glad you like it! Most welcome to visit again.

Thanks all for commenting.

Unknown said...

Fantastic interpretation of today theme! Very clever choice, Per!

Lavenderlady said...

A very appropriate interpretation of today's theme.

Denton said...

Yours is a very original post ... Ones mortality is a subject which comes to mind more often as you age ... Interesting comments about cremation.

Jane Hards Photography said...

One of the most original choices of the theme. Very thought provoking post.

stromsjo said...

I didn't have any particular idea for this photo but the upcoming theme day sort of nudged me in this direction.

JM: Thanks. Glad you liked it.

Lavenderlady: It's quite impressive to see the many different interpretations out there and even more so now that the thumbnail photos are collected in one place.

Denton: That's the sort of thing age does to us all, I suppose.

Babooshka: Appreciate that.

Thanks all for stopping by on this theme day.

Jenny said...

Åhh... *hisnar* Det är en helt ljuvlig bild, Per. Förstora. Beställ canvas - hm nja, kanske inget man vill ha hemma på väggen och påminnas om hela tiden, när jag tänker efter. Men - vilken bild... Fantastisk!

stromsjo said...

Det var inte mycket annat som funkade den kvällen för min del så sista klicket satt bra. Jag skulle inte ha något emot att se ett sån't här motiv, för mig är kyrkogårdar rofyllda platser.

Tack Jenny för de orden.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!