daily photo theme day: it's wild out there ...
.Vägskylt. Ja, absolut. Rätt ? Nej, kanske inte, va ? Men en kul variant var det.
Theme Day for the month of September 2007: "Street lights and signs"
.There are currently 101 blogs participating in this theme day
.There are currently 101 blogs participating in this theme day
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How nice of those cats to oblige theme day by carrying their own sign with them. :) I wish mine were as cooperative! Very nice photo.
This two cats must be very courages to wear the costume on hotty day.
A good one, Bernt, keeping the tradition of Stockholmian theme day photos. I wouldn't worry about the weather. Lions and tigers should be used to higher temperatures. But I can't but wonder what the lion is carrying in his hands. Small packets of ice to keep their cool?
Peter, the small packages were small cuddly keyring-toys. Giveaways.
Nice, funny and original interpretation of the theme!
So original. Love it!
Let's hope they have those cooling vest on underneath those costumes.
New Orleans Daily Photo
Funny and very feline ... "these two cats" very catchy phrase which will forever have a unique image in my mind now.
The prettiest street sign I've ever seen! Wonderful post! :)
Denton: Glad I could give you that image. It's always fun to play with words :-)
Those two seem happy and friendly enough for being such fierce creatures, nicely captured:)
cool cats despite the heat
lol :) Great shot for theme day!
Yet another theme, yet another odd angle. Like it.
Coola Katter.
I'll bet they were VERY warm!
Definitely a different street sign from everyone else's post.
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