comments on pixels

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summer night city: dining with hertig karl

Few places are more quiet than a closed restaurant on a Monday morning. Rotebro krog helps ensure that the good citizens of Sollentuna won't have to go to bed hungry. Or thirsty, for that matter.

Hertig Karls väg, Sollentuna (map) 16 June 2008 | others bloggar


Shoshana said...

I like this's what I usually see when I'm hungry on vacation.

My daily photo

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, jag gillar verkligen nattfoto - det blir en sån skön värme i ljuspartierna. Har du stativ med dig, eller hittar du nåt som funkar som stativ när du är ute?

Halcyon said...

I love night photos. Hope you found something to eat!

Coltrane_lives said...

Ah, as Hemingway might have put it, "There's nothing like 'A Clean Well Lighted Place' to take off the edge." ;-)

stromsjo said...

Sorry about evoking memories of hungry vacations, Shoshana!

himmelochord: Tackar. Nix, jag är en legitimerad latmask vad beträffar att släpa runt utrustning så stativ går bort. Ett par hekto kamera, på sin höjd... Med tiden utvecklar man en betydande förmåga att hitta små plana ytor på de mest osannolika ställen. Funkar bra, bortsett från att där vanligen är så till den grad skitigt...

Halcyon: Fortunately I had my dinner well before arriving at this spot so I didn't have to go hungry.

Coltrane_lives: Good to hear from you again, I'm sure you're already thinking about Stockholm Jazz festival... :)

Thanks guys for commenting.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!