comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:



When I was walking on the Västerbron bridge i suddenly heard huffing and puffing below. I looked over the edge and found a climber on a training session. There was a whole little gang on the ground. What next?


Lena Möre said...

Next time I walk over this for me wellknown bridge (once I ran Stockhom Marathin there, hm...) I will really look down to the left and to the right to not miss such an interesting view...

Lena Möre said...

I mean Marathon nothing else.

stromsjo said...

It’s sort of a relief to see that arm vigorously working. I don’t quite fancy the concept of just a rope and a couple of legs hanging...

inspired said...

excellent ;o]

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!