comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


look, someone's still up...

Most people seem to have gone to bed already but a single window has still got the light on. The backdrop is of course Globen. Per has already done an extensive series on it but I thought this one might have a place too.

.Nattugglor vakna vid Globen?


stromsjo said...

Most appropriate! It's a moody sphere, shifting colours back and forth. It was about time we revisited this one.

Anonymous said...

The Globen was in the news today as they had an OK for "gondolas on the outside" as shown on this image from the architects (tif format). I think the ride would take 10 minutes (including a stand still on top - 88 meters up). That's quite cool.

And oh, I like your photo Bernt! Old and new.

Pia K said...

Lovely pic! Like the purple shades a lot.

Oh I saw that too, sounds like a real must to be travel with that kind of gondola - in the Venice of the North:)

Talking about on top of the world-news in Stockholm, how about that restaurant due on top of old Skatteskrapan? Sounds amazing!

Anonymous said...

Pia: When things cool down a bit I will definitely visit the new sky bar at Skatteskrapan.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!