comments on pixels

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yellow cab company?

Only cabs on this pic in front of the Central Station. 5 yellow ones and 3 black. The yellow cabs are becoming more common. I remember the last time we had yellow ones. They didn't quite catch on at that time. Volvo had a try at it. You could see a few but they soon disappeared again. This time I think they're here to stay - at least a while. Heck, it just occurs to me - 4 of these are Volvo's. Deja vu...?
Kommer ni ihåg förra gången det fanns gula taxibilar ? Det är rätt länge sedan nu men även denna gång verkar Volvo ha ett finger med i spelet ...eller?


Anonymous said...

I think it's the taxi company Taxi 020 who have painted all their cars yellow. If I'm right, they will stay for a long time.

stromsjo said...

I do remember the yellow cabs and I'd say there were a lot of them last time around. I also remember seeing scores of yellow taxis in Jämtland three years ago so I suppose there are different, local trends as well.

Susan said...

I like this shot. Urban interest!

GMG said...

So, NYC in Stockholm: great mix!

Bernt Seipl said...

I like the yellow ones. They are much easier to detect than the black ones. Hope they stay around.

Linda said...

härligt! lite NYC känsla över det hela. Sverige behöver mer färg i tillvaron.

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