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jazz night out

Saturday night at the very small and cosy Glenn Miller Café. Good music (unfortunately I don't remember the names of the guys playing), good food and drink and good company. It was a good evening out.

Brunnsgatan (map) 26 April 2008 | others bloggar


Halcyon said...

Nice photo. I spent Sunday evening in a jazz cafe in New Orleans. There was a lovely singer and a small audience of deaf people! The musicians were kind enough to let them "hear" the music by touching their instruments. It was quite interesting.

Kiwi said...

That's really interesting, Halcyon! I would like to have been there. New Orleans is on my wish-list! Thanks for stopping by!

stromsjo said...

Good to see (and hear!) that there is still real live music around which can be enjoyed without the risk of losing your hearing. A good evening out, I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Very cool! It does look nice and cozy with good music to relax to.


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