comments on pixels

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pimp my ride

If you're restricted to go by subway, you'll have to rely to others to pimp your ride. Some do it legally (I gather this one is) and some do it illegaly (as in "bombing"). This is the second time I see a complete set that has different "clothing".

Slussen (map) 2 March 2009 | others bloggar


cieldequimper said...

Well, it looks legal enough and it's gorgeous!

Kiwi said...

It's Swedish national public radio (SR) who's behind this. The theme is, if memory serves me right, 'listen to pod radio and make the journey feel shorter'.

Clueless in Boston said...

Now that's a colorful subway train! Ours are either all red, orange, or blue, depending on the subway line.

Pia K said...

That looks awesome! How beautiful, clearly I use the subway too seldom, have never seen these wagons. Love the bunny rabbit, the crown and the red doors...

Lowell said...

Well, that is certainly striking. How long did it take you to paint it?

Bernt Seipl said...

Peter's memory didn't let him down on this one :-)

Cluesless_in_Boston: Ours are usually also only one-coloured. Mostly blue.

Pia: Do get down there. I've recently seen the wagon again, so it should still be in traffic, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's gone soon.

Jacob: I won't say :-)

humanobserver said...

very colourful. here in Delhi you will find trains with single colour.

Tinsie said...

Nice one - very colourful!

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!