comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


yellow blues for an empty station

A symbolic view of Johannelund, not a particularly crowded station situated 12 kilometers (and 18 stations) west-north-west of the city. In fact, of all our subway stations Johannelund has the fewest commuters. Roughly 1000 individuals board a train here on a weekday as compared to some 140000 for T-Centralen ("Subway Central"). See more?

Tunnelbana Johannelund (map) 23 January 2010


VP said...

'Not a particularly crowded station' is a nice way to put it...

arabesque said...

yup, it looks deserted. ^0^

Luis Gomez said...

I love this image. Beautiful shot of the station. Love the glow in the photo.

Lowell said...

I don't see anyone! But I do like the colors and it doth look clean...

Maybe it will serve more people in the future?

stromsjo said...

As a matter of fact, a supermarket opened nearby a couple of years ago but I suppose 99% will take their car when it's time for shopping.

VP: Depending, of course, on where a train has arrived recently or not...

arabesque: Leaving us with a good view of these tiles.

Luis Gomez: Thanks. It was a grey and gloomy day but somehow it worked anyhow.

Jacob: I don't expect much expansion in the future. This is a quiet place in Suburbia.

Always a pleasure to have you all commuting with us.

cieldequimper said...

Lol, you're right we're commuting a lot in Sweden! ;-) This looks much more like a "regular" station if you see what I mean.

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

It is a pretty cheerful looking station, despite the lack of people.
Three Rivers Daily Photo

Tinsie said...

The decor reminds me of public toilets. Eeek. I bet the 1000 locals using this station aren't terribly impressed with it.

Still, better an awful-looking station than no station, eh?

stromsjo said...

For many years, Johannelund was only open on weekdays.

cieldequimper: Very much a regular, old above-ground station.

Three Rivers: At least this staircase and the one to the other platform are colourful.

Tinsie: Let's just agree that it's functional! :)

Mind the gap, everyone.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!