comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

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Sword of Damocles

Living in the modern age, we no longer have swords hanging directly over our heads by a single horse-hair. Far from it! How about a block of snow and ice slowly melting in the sun and ready to slide off the roof any minute?

Hemmesta centrum, Värmdö (map) 7 February 2010


cieldequimper said...

All good things must end...

Tinsie said...

It's pretty scary when you think of it like that!

Bernt Seipl said...

I think these "swords" will do the trick very well, thank you....

I'll make sure to stay as far away from them as possible, even though I actually was in the vicinity this weekend.

Halcyon said...

It does look rather dangerous!

Lena Möre said...

When I was a child we ate them as ice-creams and thouht it was funny.

stromsjo said...

Looks like this pile of snow defies gravitation but it's mostly ice really. It can develop into amazing lethal hanging "curtains".

cieldequimper: Father Frost will strike back again before capitulating.

Tinsie: There have been quite a few incidents already with people becoming hospitalized not to mention cars wrecked by falling ice.

Bernt Seipl: Hard to know where to walk these days. I'd take the tube whenever possible. It won't take me to Hemmesta though.

Halcyon: It is. As long as it's peacefully dripping we'll be fine but you never know when large chunks will come tumbling down.

Lena Johansson: I remember that practice as well.

Mind your heads, folks!

Andreea said...

:) This looks very familiar. For almost two months now it's become an adventure to walk on the sidewalks in Bucharest with all the hanging snow and icicles.

Lowell said...

Great photo! But those darn icicles can be very dangerous!

Re your comment on Ocala one's objected to my photographing houses as yet. Of course I don't hang around long once I snap the shutter!

arabesque said...

the icicles looks spiky! yikes! ^0^
gr8n shot!

stromsjo said...

One should consider wearing a helmet.

Andreea: The local tourist board might want to promote a "city of adventures"...?

Jacob: People, trolleys, cars, whatever's underneath is in danger.

arabesque: Too spiky for comfort...

Thanks everyone.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!