electronically yours
A corner in the Andromeda Studio where Ralph Lundsten has been busy composing for decades.
Tollare, Nacka (map) 21 August 2010
one city through our lenses
A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here: stockholmbypixels.se
(click photo to enlarge) at
Labels: art, pixels by per
Really great!
Cool. I'm listening to his new album now. Try it yourself with spotify.
hi per!
cute almost psychedelic. ^0^
You might want to check out Ralph's web site. For those not entirely fluent in Swedish, there's translate button.
Luis Gomez: Ain't easy to pick a few photos from this place.
Steffe: Good for you. Haven't been fully spotified yet but I'll take your word for it. Ralph's music has been part of my life for... a long time.
arabesque: You should see his wallpaper! :)
Thanks all for dropping a note today.
This looks so cool!
I confess my ignorance, not my kind of music anyway...
There have been plans for turning this house into a living museum.
Halcyon: A youthful 74-year old gentleman...
VP: For each and everyone of us, there is a perfect musical wavelength. The world would have been a boring place had we all liked the same.
Again, thanks all for commenting.
I'm with VP on this one...
I wasn't an instant fan either, Tinsie. Did take a bit of getting used to.
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