comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

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levitating in Huvudsta

The unbearable lightness of being a truck.

Huvudsta centrum, Solna (map) 1 September 2010


VP said...

Miracle! Anti-gravity!

cieldequimper said...

Are you trying to write a book?!!

arabesque said...

it floats! ^0^
wait, is this Kundera inspired?! ^-^

stromsjo said...

I hate to ruin a good story but, as you've probably reckoned by now, this is a truck-mounted crane which is equipped with outriggers for serious, stationary work. So that's why the wheels have taken a break at this moment.

VP: I could use some of that after a summer of good food...

cieldequimper: It would make a good title, wouldn't it? :)

arabesque: Crammed somewhere between Nietzsche and "Rise of the Machines"?

Thanks all for hovering a bit with us.

Halcyon said...

I had no idea how it got up there. Neat photo though!!!

When will we get some of your famous night shots? :)

Lena Möre said...


Lowell said...

Cool and clever.

I thought you had gotten into levitatry (or something like that)...

Re your question on Cedar Key: Yes, it's usually very quiet in the back bay...folks go fishing in the early morn...during the day it's usually too hot for much activity, other than hoisting a few mugs of beer...

stromsjo said...

Been one heavy day. I could use some levitating skills tonight.

Halcyon: I was thinking I've been testing your patience enough with nightly excursions? :)

Lena Johansson: Ungefär som jag när jag tänkte strosa förbi.

Jacob: Nope, still kicking at ground level.

The sky is the limit, folks.

Tinsie said...

Hehe. This is GOOD.

Tinsie said...

Even if it's fake ;-)

stromsjo said...

Truck-mounted cranes want to be free!

Thanks, Tinsie.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!