comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


modern church

So this is what they look like, nowadays? A modern House of God in Hammarby sjöstad courtesy of the Church of Sweden.

Fascinating #1: We were waved down by a motorist some twenty meters from the church. He asked for directions to ... the church. Fascinating #2: If you type ("") in your web browser you end up at a casino.

Sickla kaj (map) 15 November 2008 | others bloggar


Jenny said...

Vad kluven man blir för det här... Å ena sidan är det ju inget fel på byggnade i sig, jag tycker om kontrasten mellan tung sten och lätt glas, och jag tycker om de räta vinklarna och linjerna. Men kyrka...?! Där är det nåt som säger stopp. Vana, tradition och fördomar. Men jag blir åtminstone tillräckligt nyfiken för att vilja se den invändigt.

stromsjo said...

I agree with Jenny that this does challenge our traditional perception of what a church is supposed to look like. Still, given half a chance they're usually well worth a visit. There are several good examples of modern churches in Stockholm and this looks like yet another one. Good photo, Peter.

svenske floyd said...

In Gärdet there is a hidden pearl, the Olaus Petri Church. Go there!

Unknown said...

I like it! Has the bell a protection glass?

Unknown said...

I still prefer the old architecture such as Storkyrkan or Katarina Kyrka, those to me say Stockholm, this one says Modern America. :-(

Halcyon said...

I don't attend church, but I do think it is interesting to put a modern architectural twist on churches.

I don't think it looks very American though. Most of the churches here look like schools to me - many of them have huge campuses! Or some just look like regular buildings or homes. I'll try to post a picture of one this week.

Kiwi said...

Thank you all for your interesting thoughts!

Jenny: Har du varit i Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirchen i Berlin? Ska gräva fram ett par bilder därifrån och länka från kommentar här. Där är det verkligen skillnad mellan insida och utsida.

Svenske Floyd: I must go to Gärdet then! Thanks for that! And I'm named that: Olof Peter :o)

JM: It seams to be behind protective glass-something. Maybe that's a good idea?

Per, Carry and Halcyon: I guess a church can look like anything - anywhere. I'm looking forward to that 'church report' Halcyon! And for Carry the Stockholm by pixels team will continue photographing 'traditional' churches :o)

As I wrote to Jenny above, stay tuned for some photos of the Berlin Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirchen. I will link from this comment.

Kiwi said...

Jenny (and others): Finally, here are the photos; Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirchen in Berlin, outside and inside (the new building).

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!