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"your turn to put the star on top !"

Jennifer recently helped raise our awareness of levitating Christmas trees. This one doesn't exactly levitate but it does reach a significant height, on top of a construction crane in Sollentuna.

Sollentuna centrum (map) 21 December 2008 | others bloggar


humanobserver said...

Oh so high !

Unknown said...

This is so amazing! You have started quite a collection of trees in high places! :-)

photoimagine said...

Granen står så grön och grann på kranen...

God Jul!

CeciliaGallerani said...

You caught this at just the right time of day. And the tree does somehow manage to make that crane look Christmas-y. Great title!

stromsjo said...

It looked quite nice an hour later as well but for some reason I chose this photo.

humanobserver: Yep and I wouldn't go up there for any possible bribe...

JM: We certainly have! :) It's not much of a tree really but it gets all the attention in the neighborhood. Just goes to prove the importance of picking the right spot for rising to fame!

photoimagine: God Jul till dig också och tack för ett rikt år med nya bildvinklar.

mkhansen: That's quite an accomplishment, don't you think, having a crane appear Christmas-y?

Thanks folks. Ho-ho-ho...

Anonymous said...

I dont think I would want to put the star on that tree!! Great Holiday photos. God Jul

stromsjo said...

Kris: You should outsource the magical elves dept ! ;)

Carrie Hayes: Neither would I. Both feet remaining firmly on the ground, that's my core business.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!