comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

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organ without bodies

I'm beginning to like the looks of the organ in our Concert Hall so here it is again, snapped during an intermission. The organ is a fairly recent addition (1982) to this Blue House from 1926.

Konserthuset (map) 25 September 2008 | others bloggar


Laurie Allee said...

Wow, I love this. So much to look at -- and what a great color!

Unknown said...

I would really like to hear the sound of that fantastic organ, it must be something!!!

photoimagine said...

En överväldigande pjäs måste man säga.
Att se och höra.

stromsjo said...

It's a nice concert hall, Laurie. They also got themselves new machinery on and under the stage which comes in handy when it's time to move heavy objects.

JM: It's a powerful instrument. Notice the altitude of the balcony where you'd have to sit to play it... ;)

Bara att hålla med, Photoimagine.

Appreciate all your comments.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!