comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

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swing it! (2)

...previously on pixels

I told you. This is a swinging piece of infrastructure. Behold Danvik Bridge in action. And do mind that gap!

Danviksbro (map) 28 September 2008 | others bloggar


Tash said...

Hee-hee! "mind the gap" - the refrain of the Undergound. Both yours and the other MUST be minded. I like the motion shot.

tr3nta said...

Cool shot nice movement on it...

They move the fountain cause theres a road there right now...

Unknown said...

There we go!!! :-) Fantastic shot, Per!

Pia K said...

Nice one. I especially like the detail where the moving bridge meets the non moving part under the street light, a bit dreamy and fairytailish, if you ask me and my imagination:)

Lena Möre said...

En äventyrsresa måste inte bli så dyr om man har SL-kort. Tack för tipset, väl fångat!

Fredrik said...

Hello Per!
Yesterday I received - by surprise - the "Blogging Friends Forever" Award for my photography.
According to the rules I can now myself give this award to 5 other bloggers of my choice.
I have chosen your blog as I like your development.
Please visit my blog and you will see your name among the 5 in question. Then it will be your turn to give the award yourself to 5 other bloggers of your choice, according to the rules you will find indicated there!
Greetings from Ystad!

Järnladyn said...

Cool motion shot! And congratulations to the award (above)!

stromsjo said...

I missed the span going up so this shot was my second and final chance (at least with this sky for backdrop) with the bridge span going down again.

Tash: You know us subway folks...

Tr3nta: I suppose that's city planning. Construct something large and then realize you'd have to move id. (We're talking about a fountain in Madrid, in case anyone wonders.)

Thanks for your support, JM!

Pia K: I was also intrigued by that contrast. The large object in the background moving against a stubborn fixed foreground.

Lena Johansson: Vi borde få SL:s förtjänstmedalj för den iakttagelsen! :)

Appreciate your support, Fredrik. We're looking forward to our joint water week coming up in early November. Greetings right back to you from - believe it or not - Skanör! ;)

Järnladyn: An average, persistent bridge deserves a bit of a tribute once in a while, don't you agree?

Thanks guys for commenting.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!