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eco-driving by Konserthuset

There's a lot of talk about environmentally friendly modes of transportation. Some of us have quit talking and started practicing, cruising down King's Street.

Konserthuset (map) 27 April 2009


VP said...

She doesn't look amused: it was the bike or the photo?

Stefan Jansson said...

A very happy cyclist! You should have waved at her.

stromsjo said...

These are my green heroes, people who do something actively to improve the environment in the city.

Vogon Poet: More like concentrated, I think. This particular spot is very crowded and navigating between taxi cars and careless pedestrians requires a bit of concentration.

Steffe: Cyclists do seem happier, on average. Maybe something one should try?

Thanks for hopping on the bike with us.

Halcyon said...

Nice. You don't see many pedestrians or bicyclers around here - so I don't get much opportunity for street shots. But I like looking at yours!

cieldequimper said...

Well...some cities are more cyclist friendly than others...

Lena Möre said...

Fart och fläkt och hälsa, jag gillar fotot!

Pia K said...

Love riding a bike, in the suburbs or in the country, would never do it in the city. I'm not death defying like that.

Also it would be *rather* nice if more bikers could abide to the traffic rules and be more considerate towards pedestrians...

Tinsie said...

She looks like she's concentrating. Or perhaps it's the sun. I often look like this when the sun shines on my face.

Unknown said...

More people should definitely do it!... But I haven't started yet... Shame on me!

stromsjo said...

I'm not much of a hero on the bike myself so I wanted to at least do a tribute to those who are.

Halcyon: You're so welcome. I'm new to this scene so let's see where it takes us.

cieldequimper: That is very true. The matter has been argued back and forth but generally politicians have been deliberately planning for this during the recent decades and it's beginning to pay off. Good point!

Lena Johansson: Är du som jag Lena eller vågar du dig upp på cykeln ibland? :)

Pia K: Another good point. There are certainly bikers who tend to make up their own rules as they go. Then again, so do car drivers.

Tinsie: Yet another good point! I deliberately chose this spot because of the sun.

JM: And shame on me, we'll have to improve our track record in this respect. Like Pia, I wouldn't dare driving into the city but there are plenty of suburbian havens.

Thanks all for "being green" with us on this issue! :)

Lowell said...

It is nice that you have the opportunity. Some of our roads in Ocala are not fit for two cars and have no sidewalks, so it's taking your life (literally) in your hands to ride a bike anywhere...

We ride a lot anyway, but the stores are too far distant.

Stefan Jansson said...

My bike is broken at the moment. And that makes me a bit sad. People that don't use a bike should see a doctor!

stromsjo said...

You can rent a bike in Stockholm these days, the system has been operative for a few years now and is rather popular.

Jacob: As Pia pointed out, it isn't perfectly safe to bike in Stockholm either but I'm sure we're in better shape. For instance, we have a growing network of separate bike paths.

Steffe: Sounds like your bike needs sort of a doctor, at least. Was it involved in a mishap?

Thanks for commenting!

Lowell said...

That's what we need - bike paths...many new or updated communities are putting in bike paths which makes a big difference. Ft. Lauderdale and surrounding areas, for example, have made great strides in this area. You can actually get somewhere on a bike.

Not so in Ocala...they just don't exist. Many of the roads are old and narrow and it is extremely dangerous to ride them.

Kudos to Sweden!

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!