comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


nocturne for Nordiska museet

Interior design, folk art and Sami life... There's so much going on at Nordiska museet, our large museum of cultural history on Djurgården. Still, some of us prefer to stroll about outside in the park at night.

Nordiska museet, Djurgården (map) 16 May 2009


crocrodyl said...

It's a superb photo! I like the play of light and shadow. Lovely lightining building!

Mo said...

I love the intense blue of the sky in this picture

Halcyon said...

Beautiful colors!

stromsjo said...

We've got some majestic museums in Stockholm, here's another one.

m_m: Glad you like it!

Mo: That nuance tends to get me going as well...

Halcyon: The green stuff is never greener.

Thanks all for hanging around in the park with us.

cieldequimper said...

Very nice night shot, so many colours. The museum name reminds me of Oslo's Norsk Museet (I think you have to add Folk somewhere... Oh my memory... ;-))

svenske floyd said...

Majestic indeed. Powerful.

Lena Möre said...

Vilken charmig bild på detta kära museum! Jag har varit där många gånger, allra roligast var det när Kaffe Faset, min favoritman :-) hade utställning där. Tyvärr såg han inte mig bland tusentals besökare men jag fick hans autograf!
Himlen är så härligt blå när du fotar,Per!

Unknown said...

I've said once I would not make any more comments about the light in your photos, but I can't help it... It's fantastic!!! :-)))

stromsjo said...

This museum welcomes roughly 200000 visitors per year.

cieldequimper: Perhaps Norsk Folkemuseum? Never been there but you have and you did remember! :)

Svenske Floyd: Makes me think of Malmöhus for whatever reason. That's not half bad either.

Lena Johansson: Jag tyckte det här museet var tråkigt när jag var yngre men man blir kanske en aning klokare med åren?

JM: That's OK, you're allowed to break that promise... ;)

Thanks all.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!