comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


not half bad in Sollentuna

Sollentuna simhall is a recently renovated swimming complex as well as a challenging language exercise. Contrary to what an English speaking person might believe, the text on the façade means "bath sports exercise". See more?

Stubbhagsvägen, Sollentuna (map) 1 June 2009


VP said...

It could cause funny misunderstandigs...

crocrodyl said...

Fine shot, good that you explained what the text on the building means:)


B SQUARED said...

I like the English version.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Funny! The logo leaves room for interpretations...
The building, however, is very interesting!

Lowell said...

Very creative photo...superb lighting - especially on the sign.

So what's "bad" about it? I like to be bad sometimes...


stromsjo said...

They're closing for summer in a matter of days. Otherwise I tend to go swimming here once in a while.

Vogon Poet: A Swede wouldn't think of this but putting on "glasses" like thinking in a different language does change the perspective slightly.

m_m: Thanks! :)

B SQUARED: Words are fun. Just put them together in a slightly different context...

Buenos Aires Photoblog: You're right about the building. The renovation was long overdue and the entire complex will probably be sold one of these days. It is currently owned by the municipality of Sollentuna.

Jacob: 2:25 AM on a Monday morning... The renovation has been going on for a couple of years and I suppose that's an example of what is "bad". Myself, I tend to feel less "bad" when I've swum a kilometer or two in the pool.

Thanks all for staying in the swim of things with us!

Halcyon said...

Hee! I admit to being a bit confused at first.

Unknown said...

Lol! I've just learned how to write a swedish word! :-)

Lena Möre said...

Är det flera än du som har reagerat?
Det är inte lätt att inte kunna svenska ibland :-)
Jag tycker bad sport är bra sport!

stromsjo said...

Although swimming is supposed to be the primary activity in here, I'd say that in practice most visitors have other plans. From bowling to spinning and what have you.

Halcyon: Mission accomplished, then! ;)

JM: And there you have it! Quite easy too, wasn't it?

Lena Johansson: Jag tyckte bara att anläggningen var snygg i morgonljus. Tanken på texten och hur den kan te sig utrikes dök upp långt senare. Det är lite kul ibland när man sitter i efterhand och begrundar en bild.

Have a safe swim, everyone!

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!