comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


time's up

This must be one of Stockholm’s most visible clocks. Designed by Ruben Morne, the clock originally sat on top of a telephone-tower nearby. The tower is long gone but the clock is still
rotating high above NK at Hamngatan.
others on
.NK-klockan har väl ingen missat. Länge har den snurrat runt högt ovanför taket och länge ska den förhoppningsvis snurra än.


stromsjo said...

I ain’t cleaning that.

And I ain’t walking those stairs.

Bernt Seipl said...

I give you all sorts of nice objects, and you're not willing to clean any of them....? I just love that comment. Benson - you're the best.

Anonymous said...

nice shot !
I have a photoblog with photos only from my city... Suceava / Romania... do you want to exchange links ? my photoblog address is my mail address is mail (at)

Z said...

The spiral staircase looks cool, though I'm sure it would give me vertigo to climb up there.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!