comments on pixels

to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:



stockholm by waves
Composing an espresso at the Gazzetta tobacconist, betting shop and café by Hamngatan. Some people argue that you can't get a regular cup of coffee nowadays - it's only espresso and latte and such. They are of course wrong. There are still some pockets of resistance serving the regular filtered coffee. Sweden is number two in the world (after Finland) when it comes to drinking coffee
(156 litres of java per person last year).


Meg said...

Too much coffee and long days keep you good Swedish photographers up all night? Ummm, I could go for a nice milky one right about now.

b.c. said...

I love regular coffee...

Coltrane_lives said...

Hi, from the States! I can't go a day without the java bean. :-) Thanks for the narrative.

Gianfi said...

I love cooffe in italian way....

Z said...

Next up: one of the resistance cafes? Looking forward to it.

Oh, what do people bet on? Maybe I should back up and ask what "betting shop" means.

Kiwi said...

Z: I will certainly file a report on the resistance movement here.

I'm not all into this, but I think they bet on football results and on horses and such. I believe betting - or is the term 'to play' on something? - is quite a big thing in Sweden.

stromsjo said...

I’m not much of a gambler either so you haven’t found the best of experts in that field but I think Peter is right: football, horses and such, basically.

One aspect of gambling worthwhile mentioning is that the state takes a large share of the money. Someone might want to correct me on this but at least some years back you could say that the state took half the money and the rest was shared by the winners. So in the long run you’d have to beat the odds significantly to break-even.

And, yes, coffee is great! I like both kinds, the traditional or a double espresso.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!