to readers, guest photographers and co-authors, thanks for five exciting years of pixels !

A more updated relative to Stockholm by Pixels is here:


living library

Stockholm's Public Library resides in a world famous building from 1928 by architect Gunnar Asplund. The interior is a delight but I can imagine the 200 employees would appreciate a slightly modernized head quarter. There are in fact plans for an expansion, having the complex augmented with an adjacent glass building. Stadsbiblioteket is happy to welcome 3000 visitors each day. See more?

Stadsbiblioteket, Sveavägen (map) 13 July 2009


Marcel said...

I love that library, it's a great place to browse for books, and read..

B SQUARED said...

Libraries are such great places. I wonder how they will look 100 years from now with the internet and computers, etc.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

I appreciate these older libraries, too. They create a certain ambiance which is great to browse for books and read.

Buenos Aires Photo

Halcyon said...

It looks very pretty on the inside. Lots of wood paneling and all - perfect for a library!

stromsjo said...

Stadsbiblioteket is a peaceful oasis and very popular among tourists too.

MaCoBra: read a newspaper or just relax and look at others reading...

B Squared: Good point. As a matter of fact, there are already several computer terminals in here. Stay tuned for another glimpse!

Buenos Aires Photoblog: Always a good reference point when visiting a new place too.

Halcyon: No wonder this is such a popular place.

Thanks all for joining us among the bookshelves.

Tinsie said...

I know I'm repeating myself, but I LOVE your people shots :-)

Learning about the library is good, too.

Lowell said...

Looks very nice. I hope they can enlarge and modernize it...but then again, not lose the ambiance for which it is known. I'd love to spend time browsing there - especially if my Dad had taken time to teach me Swedish!

stromsjo said...

Another library glimpse coming up before long.

Tinsie: Repeated or not, your words are appreciated!

Jacob: Swedish is said to be a difficult language. Lots of material in other languages in here as well, of course.

exposemaximum: Thanks.

Good to have you all stopping by.

Your daily dose of Stockholm, Sweden - click on pictures to enlarge!